Tatume Summer Squash (Calabacita) (Certified Organic)


Grown by Care of the Earth Community Farm – Cucurbita pepo – 55 days

Tatume is a vining summer squash/calabacita grown in Southeast Texas and along the northern Gulf coast of Mexico. They have good resistance to downy mildew, vine borers and plectosporium, especially for a pepo species summer squash, and have done well in recent trials at Care of the Earth Farm. (Megan and Lalo also compared several different Tatume seedstocks to each other and found them strikingly similar). Flavor is rich and nutty. Plants are productive and fairly short-vined. When left on the vines to mature they turn into medium-small oblong orange pumpkins with a thick shell. 7 seeds/gram.

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3g (packet), 1/2oz