Syrian Goathorn Hot Pepper (Certified Organic)


Grown by Twin Oaks Seed Farm – Capsicum annuum – 75 days

Beautiful long red hot peppers with impressive drought tolerance and productivity. We’ve really enjoyed them dried and ground as pepper flakes. The fruits are about an inch and a half across at the top and 7 to 9 inches long – they look kind of like cayenne peppers but a good bit larger. Medium heat. Edmund Frost grew these in 2019 for Baker Creek, which has since discontinued the variety. Baker Creek got the seeds from a Syrian seed saver named Raghad Gorani, who comes from Safira in northwest Syria. You can read more about her in an article called “A Taste of the Middle East” written by Randel Agrella for the June 2016 issue of Mother Earth Gardener. 147 seeds/gram.

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0.5g (packet), 2g