Carnaval Spice Pepper (Certified Organic)


Grown by Laughing Springs Farm – Capsicum chinense – 110 days

Another special Capsicum chinense species pepper. This is an example of a Caribbean Seasoning Pepper (also known as Aji Dulce), which we first encountered living/farming in St Croix. Think of the fruity flavor of a Habanero pepper but with little to no heat. This type of pepper is popular throughout the Caribbean where they grow well, with less of the disease and pest issues that plague Capsicum annuum varieties, and better adaptability to heat. We requested seeds of five varieties of seasoning peppers/aji dulce bred by Linda Wessel Beaver at University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez, and grew them in Waimanalo, Hawaii. Carnaval was a stand-out to us, because of its very thick, fleshy fruit walls (most seasoning peppers are rather thin) and because of its very cute perfect pumpkin shape. We have been growing and saving seeds from Carnaval now for multiple years, including three in Boone, North Carolina where it has matured outside in early September (at 3500′). Plan for 100-120 days to fruit from seeding, starting indoors in areas with shorter seasons. Starting seeds with sufficient heat will result in better germination and establishment – they don’t like the cold! We recommend 3′ spacing. They grow into short, wide-spreading bushes with multiple stalks – we have not staked or trellised, though we have experienced some breakage of heavily fruited branches. The fruits start off green with some purple tinge, turn light orange and then an electric red when mature. For a Capsicum chinense they are heavy bearers per area. The flesh has essentially no heat. Sometimes there is heat on/around seeds, though this can vary. Due to the fruit shape and size it is easy to cut the flesh away from the core, depending on how one wants to process. We have enjoyed tossing either whole peppers (or pieces sliced away from the core) in oil and salt and then slow roasting them till caramelizing. The flavor is AMAZING. They are also nice raw in salads and salsas, or cooked as, indeed, a seasoning pepper. Lots of culinary potential with this pepper and it really is eye catching. 196 seeds/gram.

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0.5g (packet), 2g, 3.5g, 1/2oz